[Hong Kong] Microsoft Hong Kong has launched the Microsoft 5G IoT Makerspace on 24 Jun, which integrates an Internet of Things (IoT) experience zone to inspire and enable Hong Kong business communities especially start-ups to explore and experiment their IoT solutions through utilizing 5G network and Microsoft’s technologies, together with Hong Kong Cyberport and HKT.
As one of Microsoft’s partners, Cherrypicks demos Zeelo’s (previously Starbeacon) indoor and outdoor location services, AR and data services through IoT devices at the Microsoft 5G IoT Makerspace. Visitors can have a first-hand experience on how property management companies can capture visitors’ footfall patterns and analyze how visitors in different locations responding to notifications or promotions. They will also able to see real-time and historical location data being visualized in a user-friendly way for easy and immediate analysis or to prepare further actions in a timely manner, e.g. customer dwell times and crowd patterns, footfall patterns between stores, heat maps, location search history, etc. Last but not least, tailored 3D avatars and AR signage will help in visualizing the location experience in personalized branded way.
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