An all-in-one mobile loyalty and marketing solution for retail merchants
An AR enabling platform, including GeoAR, VisAR and GamAR, to light up your brand
A brand-new e-learning concept for education in the new normal
A full end-to-end Micro Location Intelligence SaaS product, enabling real-time navigation, geofenced marketing and location data services
A smarter healthcare solution utilizing micro-vibration pattern recognition
All-in-one mobile loyalty and marketing solution for retail merchants.
AR products, including GeoAR, VisAR and Gam AR, to light up your brand
A hybrid-learning solutions provider for new normal education.
Real-time navigation, geofence marketing and location data services.
Smarter healthcare solutions utilizing micro-vibration pattern recognition
太古城中心早前於應用程式推出的尋寶遊戲反應熱烈,決定於農曆新年中延續無限歡樂和禮遇。 客戶只需於太古城中心六個指定地點獲得其中三個印花,即可免費兌換咖啡一杯。